The fee structure includes 2 levels of individual membership. The
distinction between categories for individual members is based on the level of service to which members wish to subscribe. It is the view of the Association that by providing a variety of fees and options, membership becomes accessible to all.
Further, an opportunity exists to join in a number of support categories. The benefits are essentially the same as those offered to individuals in Category B, but a greater portion of the fee goes to support the Association. Corporate members may designate 2 people to receive the benefits of membership. The Support Categories are: Agency ($125), Patron ($200), and Corporate ($500). These members will receive particular recognition when a special occasion or opportunity presents itself.
There are many reasons for joining but the need to work together towards a more unified criminal justice system and a common set of objectives is perhaps the most important.
In instances where the system seems to have failed, common elements have been brought to light by committees, inquests, and commissions to demonstrate the following:
The lack of, or breakdown in, communication. The misunderstanding of objectives from one sector to another. The absence of common purpose, at times going as far as pointing to cross purposes. These shortcomings often lead to AVOIDABLE issues, including: tense relations between police and releasing authorities; lack of appreciation for correctional workers; public misperception of sentencing and parole process; and victims’ feelings of isolation.
We provide a national forum where all perspectives can come together to achieve consensus around issues, directions, policy and the law. Only in this manner can a justice system develop where all of the parts will be working in an integrated manner towards the achievement of common objectives.
Who should join?
All who share in the foregoing objectives -and wish to make a difference are invited to join.
Members need not be experts in a given field nor share in every way in all of the Association's positions. The Association's positions are those of its members and, in a dynamic process, they are apt to change as the views of the membership evolve.
The Association wishes to make a place for all to express themselves and wishes to ensure that all views are represented, being mindful that dissenting opinions need also to be considered in the development of policy.
Given that the designation "Criminal Justice Association" is broadly encompassing, the current objective is to recruit members from all sectors of criminal justice and the public.
Traditionally, the CCJA has been quite successful in attracting members from the correctional field (government and voluntary sector, institutional and community) and hopes to continue in this vein. However, in order to truly fulfill its mandate, it needs to enlist broader support and participation from the police, the judiciary, crown and defence bar, victims groups, workers involved with young offenders, other related justice services, and the public.
It is hoped that the objectives described above will appeal to these groups and that they will want to join the Association in achieving them.
What are the benefits?
One or more of the 3 following publications are included as membership benefits, depending on the level of service desired by members.
Bi-weekly Electronic Newsletter
(All categories). This is our newsletter. It focuses on brief news items covering all areas of Canada and all areas of endeavour. With input from members it constitutes a tool for the exchange of information and the outlining of concerns. As most of the Affiliates do not enjoy the benefits of a secretariat, the CCJA encourages them use the Bulletin as a tool to communicate regularly with their members.
The Justice Report
(All categories) - 4 issues per year. Our magazine. It contains opinion pieces written specifically for the Justice Report by a team of professional journalists from across Canada. It also includes articles by key partners in the criminal justice system, in addition to regular columns such as "In Court" (reports on recent court decisions), "A voice from inside" (inmate opinions), and "Coming events".
The Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice
(B, Agency, Patron, Corporate) - 4 issues per year. This is a scientific journal containing in-depth articles based on research and experimentation. It is well received in academic circles and often quoted in textbooks, manuals, the media, other journals and training curricula. It counts subscribers in more than 35 countries. This publication appeals to justice administrators, researchers and practitioners, academics, and to anyone wishing to keep abreast of recent criminological findings and opinions.
Other Publications
The following publications are available through purchase and members enjoy a 20% discount on these and any other CCJA publication.
The Justice Directory of Services The only all-encompassing directory in Canada on federal, provincial and voluntary services in the field of criminal justice and corrections.
The Directory of Services for Victims of Crime It lists and describes more than 800 agencies and services accessible to victims across Canada.
Both directories are in computerized databases and updated regularly.
NOTE: The Bulletin and the Justice Report are benefits of membership and may only be purchased by libraries. All other publications, including the Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice may be purchased on a per-issue
basis or by subscription.
Conferences & Seminars
The Association holds the only interdisciplinary congress on criminal justice in Canada. It is held every second year and attracts several hundred professionals and interested citizens from all areas of Canada and other countries.
The congress provides a forum to discuss current issues and learn of the latest developments in criminal justice. It presents a unique opportunity for professional development, for establishing inter-personal relationships, and networking.
In addition, the Association sponsors or organizes meetings and seminars on specific topics in response to the needs expressed by its members. These functions tend to be of smaller scale and more specifically geared to concrete
results and recommendations.
Members attending the above functions enjoy a significant discount on registration fees.