2025 Essay Writing Competition

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The Criminal Justice Association of Ontario (CJAO) facilitates and promotes the goal of securing a fair, progressive and compassionate criminal justice system through cooperation and engagement with the public, governmental and non-profit groups. We facilitate the communication of current social and criminal justice matters through event sponsorship, knowledge exchange and professional networking opportunities.

Affiliation with the Canadian Criminal Justice Association

Review the CJAO's Constitution

Our Association

Our association has a long history of being actively engaged in the criminal justice system. The association began modestly with informal meetings of agency representatives involved in criminal justice in Toronto stretching back to the early 1960's. In 1970, the association was incorporated in Ontario as a non-profit corporation and became affiliated with the national Canadian Criminal Justice Association (CCJA). Founded in 1919, the Canadian Criminal Justice Association is an independent national voluntary organization working for an improved justice system in Canada. Recognizing that the criminal justice system must serve the needs of all people, the Criminal Justice Association of Ontario is a member of this umbrella organization representing all elements of the criminal justice system, including the public.

We are a membership driven association and members have a stake in our development and direction. We promote active membership and value input and suggestions regarding our activities. We also encourage participation on committees, views on issues, contribution to policy statements and position papers, assistance in fundraising, and membership promotion. We provide opportunities for our members to join national committees, including:

  • Policy Review Committee monitoring the work of Parliament and emerging trends in Canadian criminal justice policy.
  • Social Issues Committee advising the National Board of Directors about concerns with persons affected by the criminal justice system (i.e., women, Indigenous persons) homeless persons and victims of crime.
  • Public Awareness and Visibility Committee managing public relations and ensuring the organizations visibility are of primary importance. For more detailed committee opportunities go to: Committees 
Membership in the Criminal Justice Association of Ontario is acquired through the Canadian Criminal Justice Association. When you become a national member, you automatically become a provincial member. Join now.

Periodically, opportunities arise for members to join our Board of Directors. If you feel strongly about social justice, with energetic ideas and are able to attend monthly meetings in person or by teleconference please contact us.
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